October 15, 2018
Story time!
Story time!
So this week God has finally decided to introduce spiders into my life here in the Philippines! The first one i saw was in the morning it was just hanging out under my chair where i study and thank goodness my companion killed it for me, this one was about 1.5 inches big in diameter. Then that same day when we came home for the night i was shutting the door and i thought i just saw like a hair ball or something behind the door, but then i realized that it had legs and a body and was moving! So ya it took me a minute to realize what it was and then i yelled for my companion as i was jumping onto our plastic kitchen chairs. So the next 5 or so minutes i stood on the chair as my companion tried to find the spider and then we lost where it was, but then she got the bug spray and basically sprayed our whole apartment with it and hoped that it would just die on its own! I still haven't found it and the last place i saw it was going into the room with my clothes, and that night i didn't know if i was going to be able to sleep knowing there was a massive about 3 inches big spider on the loose. But weirdly enough i slept really good! oh and then the next day we were at a members house and the kids found a spider on the ceiling and the mom came to kill it with a badminton racket and when she hit it the spider went flying onto their laundry that was drying and as that happened me and all the kids in the room started screaming and we booked it out of there! Haha everyone laughed so hard at me cuz i was basically a little kid the way i screamed and ran out of there. But everyone who knows me knows that i HATE SPIDERS!!!
Oh and then last night as i was coming upstairs after having just showered and as i reached the top of the stairs i turned on the light and i was greeted by a flying coach roach!! And so the next minute i spent trying to defend myself from this flying coach roach with a dustpan and when i got it out of the room where i was going i shut the door and just laughed cuz ive never had to defend myself from a fly coach roach before! Wow my family is probably so proud of me that i can figure out how to live with all these creatures under the same roof as me! Haha.
So about the Typhoon that happened this last month. After the typhoon all the corn crops were destroyed and thats what my area is, it is just a bunch of corn fields. And so since the typhoon all the people have been gathering all the corn and drying them out and then taking all corn off of the cobb. After they have all the corn then they lay it out all over the road, and so for the past couple of weeks the roads have been just covered in corn and everyone just drives and walks over it all. and then this past week they have been bagging all the corn into big bags and then big trucks come and take it all away. I was told its for the animals to eat.
General Conference and Womens Conference was so AMAZING and i hope you all took the time to listen to our living prophet and apostles because i know that they are all called of God to guide and direct us!
This week we taught lots of lessons and talked with lots of people and i know that God truly has his hand in everything that His missionaries do, because He always gives me the words i need while im teaching His children! The language is coming, i am able to teach lessons in the language and bear my testimony with confidence with the very basic, not grammatically correct Tagalog that i know and its an amazing feeling!
I love you all and hope you're enjoying the cold weather! Have a great week and try to find a way to incorporate what you learned from conference into your week!
Love Sister Thayn
Some members took us out to dinner and oh my goodness we had so much food, and it was all so delicious!
This what it looks like from the tricy ride to one of our areas and you can see what the corn fields look like after the Typhoon.
The past couple of mondays we've gone jogging at the near by track and this time a Sister Mosiah (18 yr old) from the ward joined us!
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